The journey of recycling textile waste begins when it enters our facility in bale form. These bales form the foundation of our strategy aimed at conserving natural resources and reducing environmental impacts from the first step.
Sorting and Separation:
Each bale is opened to meticulously separate various types of textile waste. During this process, different materials are segregated and cut into smaller pieces using a guillotine cutter, making them ready for reuse.
Fiber Opening and Pressing:
After separation, the materials are blended to achieve a homogeneous fiber mixture. This fiber is then pressed into bales, preparing it for subsequent processes.
Felt Line:
The fiber bales are moved to our non-woven felt production line. Here, in our high-tech machines, the fibers are transformed into durable felt material. This material is then processed on industrial sewing machines to enhance the quality and longevity of our products.
Sizing and Sewing:
The produced felts are cut into sizes according to customer demands, and their edges are carefully sewn with overlock machines. This stage maximizes the aesthetic and functional features of our products, as well as their durability.
Packaging and Shipment:
As a final step, our products are meticulously packaged and dispatched to our global customer network. Each product, as a representative of Som Tekstil’s quality and sustainability standards, reaches its new owners.
Environmentally Friendly Energy Usage:
In all our production processes, we utilize renewable energy sources like solar energy to reduce our environmental footprint. This practice helps us minimize our impact on the environment through sustainable production practices.
BSCI Certification:
All stages of our production processes are managed and monitored in accordance with the internationally recognized AMFORI BSCI platform standards. This certification underscores our commitment to worker rights and social compliance.
These processes concrete Som Tekstil’s vision for sustainability and our commitment to environmentally friendly production. Along with our products, we reinforce our responsibility to the world at every step and contribute to the preservation of ecological balance.